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Monday, July 23, 2012

Dark Knight Tragedy Part 2

 We have to remember that it isn't always one thing that causes these tragedies to happen.  I think much of it has do with the society we live in.  Look at the TV commercial about kids spending 8 hours a day with media. There are very violent video games out there. I think those are more to blame than movies because they're interactive and going through the motions is more influential than sitting back and watching it. To quote a friend of mine, these games desensitize.  In addition, their target market are teen boys and young men.  But, we cannot only focus in on one form of entertainment, we have to look at it as a whole.  It has become more violent in the past 20 years. 

I also think that parental influence plays a big part in these tragedies.  The suspect's own mother even said that they probably had the right person.  The mother in me wonders why didn't she do something about it?  Were they estranged?  One of the people they interviewed on Fox News said it's not necessarily gun control that needs to be improved, but morals in young people.  I agree, though I think purchasing arms and ammo needs to be monitored more closely.  If the government can monitor our Internet activity, they should be able to watch who is buying a great quantity of arms and supplies!

Getting back to instilling morals in our children and youth; I was appalled to hear about those junior high students who threw garbage into the memorial pools of the World Trade Center!  Granted, they are probably too young to remember that horrible day, but that doesn't excuse it.  Where are those kids' parents and are they teaching them anything about the value of human life???  It's is the responsibility of parents to teach our young of that value!  How many times have we heard from doctors and educators that the parent is the child's first teacher?  We all have busy lives, but we have to set aside time for our children!  If you don't have the time, then find someone who does!

My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.   


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