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Friday, July 27, 2012


I finally took the plunge and purchased my first eBook.  I downloaded the Kindle App for PC to my desktop and my laptop and purchased Ghost Song by Sadie Montgomery.  The first thing I must say about an eBook is the convenience.  You purchase it from Amazon, it downloads and within a minute or two, you're ready to read a new book.  The eBooks are also very affordable.  I was given the choice between the paperback for $18 or the eBook for $3!  I didn't look any further for shipping prices, but I'm sure that would been an additional $5 to ship the paperback.  I can certainly see why the demand is increasing for eBooks.  I also noticed there were a few Amanda Ashley books available only on eBook that I'll have to get.  Some were only 99 cents.  You can't beat that!

I would like to get a Kindle eventually, but I first want to try it out on the PC and see how I like it.  I haven't tried checking out eBooks from the library yet, but I can just imagine the convenience of it.  No more trips to the library to pick up interlibrary loans!
Even though it's convenient, I still enjoy a paperback.  I have to worry about battery life on the laptop and my eyes do get more tired from reading a screen rather than paper.  I also feel less likely to fire up the laptop to read, but an eReader would be more convenient.  Regardless, I thought it was a good opportunity to try out an eBook.

Happy reading!


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