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Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  Sorry it's been a while since I last posted.  The holidays kept me quite busy as usual.

Santa brought me a Kindle Fire this year.  Though the new toy is fun and easier to read an eBook on than a laptop, I still find that I enjoy reading an actual book.  It could be because the kids wear the battery down playing apps, so when I'm ready to read, the battery is low.  I find my eyes tire easily also.

One of my new purchases for the Kindle was a Phantom novel.  I've been having a hard time keeping with it.  The first book I read by this self-published author was Phantom inspired, so she came up with her own characters and setting.  I feel that this author has really grown as a writer, especially since she made this story into her own. 

That brings me to today's discussion.  I've never really understood copyright.  My understanding was that a writer should create their own characters and if they dare use someone else's characters, it was copyright infringement if they didn't have special permission.  In recent years, I learned it was okay to use another's characters if the original author has been deceased for 100 years.  I can understand that, but now there's fan fiction.  How does that play into the whole copyright scheme of things?

When I was a child, I used to make up stories in my head using TV or movie characters.  I still do it, but it's in my head.  When the concept of my novel began to form in my mind, I was afraid to write anything down on paper because the characters were not my own.  I pondered how I would get the permission I needed to be able to write my story.  Time passed with no solution to my dilemma.  Finally, one day it dawned on me.  I had enough to make my own story!  To create my own characters.  To make my own setting.  To this day, it still baffles me how a little inspiration has brought me to where I am today with writing.  I still ask myself how I got from there to here.  And I wonder if readers will be able to determine what inspired me.  I feel that I chose the right path for me.  Sometimes, I wish others would go the extra distance to create their own characters.  It can open up whole new worlds and the possibilities are unlimited.
