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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Script To Manuscript & A New Language

I got some good advice from a Writer's Digest webinar to finish my novel.  The guest speakers' advice was just get it done.  It's not going to be perfect.  Move on to the next book.  Writing improves the more a person writes.  At this stage of the game, it was the best advice for me.  I'm nearing the completion of my second draft, which is gradually morphing from a script to a manuscript.  I have far surpassed my word goal.  Now, I just have to put the finishing touches to it, in addition to writing the cover description.  This perfectionist needs to remember that it's never going to be perfect; therefore, to stop allowing that mindset to hinder it's progress.  I have to eventually "Let It Go".

What are you reading?  I'm learning a new language - sheet music!  I have never learned how to play an instrument, and I plan to remedy that.  I recently discovered YouTube violinist Taylor Davis, and came across her early video:  Taylor Davis Theme from Schindler's List   I have always been a fan of the great John Williams, whose music is frequently playing while I'm writing, and decided after watching this video that I wanted to learn to play his masterpieces.  I would like to learn both the piano and the violin, but it seems that I'm catching on to the piano faster.  Books are also a wonderful resource when learning to play an instrument.  I find I remember better what I read on paper, plus I can learn at my own pace.  I just have to remember not to get too consumed with it that I fall behind with writing.

I hope Old Man Winter is being kind to you.  Have a great weekend!
