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Friday, July 27, 2012


I finally took the plunge and purchased my first eBook.  I downloaded the Kindle App for PC to my desktop and my laptop and purchased Ghost Song by Sadie Montgomery.  The first thing I must say about an eBook is the convenience.  You purchase it from Amazon, it downloads and within a minute or two, you're ready to read a new book.  The eBooks are also very affordable.  I was given the choice between the paperback for $18 or the eBook for $3!  I didn't look any further for shipping prices, but I'm sure that would been an additional $5 to ship the paperback.  I can certainly see why the demand is increasing for eBooks.  I also noticed there were a few Amanda Ashley books available only on eBook that I'll have to get.  Some were only 99 cents.  You can't beat that!

I would like to get a Kindle eventually, but I first want to try it out on the PC and see how I like it.  I haven't tried checking out eBooks from the library yet, but I can just imagine the convenience of it.  No more trips to the library to pick up interlibrary loans!
Even though it's convenient, I still enjoy a paperback.  I have to worry about battery life on the laptop and my eyes do get more tired from reading a screen rather than paper.  I also feel less likely to fire up the laptop to read, but an eReader would be more convenient.  Regardless, I thought it was a good opportunity to try out an eBook.

Happy reading!


Monday, July 23, 2012

Dark Knight Tragedy Part 2

 We have to remember that it isn't always one thing that causes these tragedies to happen.  I think much of it has do with the society we live in.  Look at the TV commercial about kids spending 8 hours a day with media. There are very violent video games out there. I think those are more to blame than movies because they're interactive and going through the motions is more influential than sitting back and watching it. To quote a friend of mine, these games desensitize.  In addition, their target market are teen boys and young men.  But, we cannot only focus in on one form of entertainment, we have to look at it as a whole.  It has become more violent in the past 20 years. 

I also think that parental influence plays a big part in these tragedies.  The suspect's own mother even said that they probably had the right person.  The mother in me wonders why didn't she do something about it?  Were they estranged?  One of the people they interviewed on Fox News said it's not necessarily gun control that needs to be improved, but morals in young people.  I agree, though I think purchasing arms and ammo needs to be monitored more closely.  If the government can monitor our Internet activity, they should be able to watch who is buying a great quantity of arms and supplies!

Getting back to instilling morals in our children and youth; I was appalled to hear about those junior high students who threw garbage into the memorial pools of the World Trade Center!  Granted, they are probably too young to remember that horrible day, but that doesn't excuse it.  Where are those kids' parents and are they teaching them anything about the value of human life???  It's is the responsibility of parents to teach our young of that value!  How many times have we heard from doctors and educators that the parent is the child's first teacher?  We all have busy lives, but we have to set aside time for our children!  If you don't have the time, then find someone who does!

My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.   


Friday, July 20, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Tragedy

This is one thing I think most writers worry about; someone using the image of a character in their story to commit an unspeakable act of violence.  Now, I know the gunman in Friday's early morning shootings couldn't have possibly seen the movie beforehand.  He may have seen the trailers and clips, but that was the very first showing of it in his area.  My husband argued that he could have seen a pirated version of it.  I countered that it was unlikely.  Obviously, there was a lot of planning that went into this; from the clothing he wore to wiring his apartment.  It isn't always one thing, like seeing a movie or comic series, that causes someone to flip out and go on a rampage.  It's usually a multitude of things.  Clearly, there is something seriously wrong and people missed the warning signs.

My husband and I have argued for years about action films and how he thinks those films influence people to do things like that.  Sure, a movie can seem very real when watching it on the big screen.  But, when you access the special features on the DVD and watch the making of, you realize that the weapons are plastic or rubber, the gun shots are added in later with the sound, as well as the explosions with special effects.  One other important thing to remember is that the actors and stunt people, in which their characters they portray have died in the scene, get back up again when the director says, "Cut."  That is the big difference between fiction and reality.

People seem so quick to blame the arts when tragedies like this occur.  Has anyone ever considered that maybe the media is also to blame?  I mean, when they constantly talk about all these shootings, going into every horrid detail, is it not possible that someone unstable could be influence by it?  They could be seeking publicity and what a way to gain it!

It's sad when going to the movies isn't safe anymore.  Imagine the horror those poor movie-goers had to endure.  Think of all those people who were excited about seeing the midnight premiere, probably waited for weeks, maybe even months, for the opening night.  And someone deeply troubled took that all away from them.  He took it all away from the people who made that movie, as well.

I still plan to see The Dark Knight Rises.  I have been a fan of Gary Oldman since I first saw him in Dracula.  Christian Bale since I saw him in Reign of Fire.  If you wish to see the movie, don't let this stop you.  Don't let this senseless act take it away from you, too.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

New Teaser Siggy

I had an online friend, who is gifted in graphic design, make a teaser siggy for my work in progress.  Thank you, Peridot!  Teaser Siggy  Hope you like it!


Friday, July 13, 2012

Facebook Author Page

I just set up my Facebook page:  Veronica R. Winters Facebook .  I haven't done much posting yet;  just uploaded a few cool pics.  I chose photos that would be significant to writing and symbolic of my novel.  Check it out when you have time.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I'm not sure if other writers make soundtracks to their novels, but I do have a playlist that I titled "Inspiration" on my iPod.  Many talented vidders on Youtube will make music videos sometimes using characters and scenes from movies and I do the same thing, but in my head.  The difference is where they choose to make a visual picture, I write.  If I had a soundtrack, it would include:
My Immortal by Evanescence
Because of You by Kelly Clarkson
Enchanted by Taylor Swift
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again from The Phantom of the Opera.
Edited to add:  Broken by Seether featuring Amy Lee
Of course, I have to include score:
Pandora's Box (from Tomb Raider 2) by Alan Silvestri
Almost anything from John Williams, but the most emotional and inspirational would be the Force theme from Star Wars and Anakin's Betrayal.  The latter was played during the Order 66 scene in Revenge of the Sith and it usually brings me to tears.  I liked how in the second trilogy, Williams uses a choir in addition to the orchestra.  It reminds me of Carmina Burana.

Some of the songs shouldn't be taken too literally.  Sometimes, they only contain a few lines that I feel relate to my novel.

Sometimes when I write, I like to listen to the score of Twilight New Moon by Alexandre Desplat.  I find it good music to write by. 


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Little About Me

Happy 4th of July!  I got to thinking that I never established my nationality on here.  You probably already guessed that I'm an American and you are correct.  I won't name the state, but we are currently experiencing a heat wave.  That doesn't narrow it down much.  I've lived in the Midwest my whole life.

I am married and we have three children. 

Taking a page from "Stump the Rach":  when I was kid, I listened to music on cassette tapes and LPs.  CDs came along when I was in my mid to late teens.  That's as close as I'll get to revealing my age!

I love books and movies.  I enjoy action, comedy, romance, drama and some sci-fi.  I don't really care for horror, except for vamps. Some of my favorite movies have the score from composer John Williams.  You could say he has written the soundtrack for my novel.  (To be continued in another post.)

Now you know a little more about me.
